Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hello everyone!

Hello everyone!!! Thank you for visiting my blog :)

I won't post anything tonight because it is 12:30 am and I am exhausted (I just got back from vacation with my boyfriend for our 3 year anniversary). I figured that I should however post what my blog will be about.

I will mostly focus on scrapbooking and photography. I plan on posting some tips and techniques I have learned or discovered that might help anyone who wants to scrapbook or wants to become a better photographer.

To help you out I posted some websites I have come across that have really helped me out. I plan on posting more as I find them.

I will try and post everyday... try being the key word.

Feel free to comment or send me questions that you have and I will try and answer them... I check my email constantly. If I cannot answer it for you I will send you back a link or whatever that should be able to answer it for you. Please do not hesitate to email me.

Well I will try and actually post something tomorrow. Feel free to check out my web page to see my photographs until then!!

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